Flower Photography Tips
Want to capture incredible photography of flowers? With or without photo editing, these tips will help you bring out beautiful colors that create incredible pictures. You can use macro techniques, post processing and more to capture incredibly vivid pictures of beautiful flowers local to your town.
Macro photography doesn’t necessarily require a special lens, although your photos will come out better if you happen to invest in a macro lens. Macros are super close-up photos that use depth of field to bring whatever is in the foreground into sharp focus, while blurring the background. Use the macro setting on most DSLRs to get the desired effect. You can also manually focus, but you’ll need to adjust lighting. It helps to shoot macros in RAW, where you can easily edit them in post.
Post Processing
In post processing, you can do nearly anything you want. You can take multiple photos with high saturation, blending each together into a layer of abstract colors from natural fauna. You can play with color temperature, increasing the coolness or warmth of each photo. You can even dodge color, making your flower petals bright and colorful against the darker blue sky.
Framing your subjects is crucial to taking brilliant pictures, but how do you frame a field of flowers? Easy, you use the rest of what’s around you as a reference point. Macros are simple to frame thanks to the rule of thirds. Fields should help provide a kind of visual border to the broader world around you. Experiment with angles to see how more or less of the field in view alters the final product.
About the Author: Pierre Zarokian is CEO of Web Web Design Express. Web Design express offers web design services in Los Angeles. It’s parent company has been ranked as one of the fastest growing companies by Inc5000.