Protecting a business’s online brand reputation

Jul 24, 2021 by

Protecting a business’s online brand reputation

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A company’s online brand reputation can impact a business by affecting its sales and image. Reputation management is one of the most important aspects of modern business as customers research a business and its products before purchase. The following tactics will not eliminate negative reviews, but they will help to reduce their impact.

Define your audience – A business that knows its audience will understand their interests, which can help create targeted content, strategies, and customer service procedures that can increase sales.

Create a brand personality – Crafting a persona for a business is key to generating an identity that will make a brand stand out from its competitors.

Maintain consistency – A consistent brand image should be seen throughout a business, from store layout, product design, store staff, and online presence.

Monitor online conversations – Customers will be quick to speak about a business particularly online. These conversations both positive and negative should be carefully monitored to understand how the business should change and adapt to customer expectations. Social media platforms and private customer review websites such as, Yelp, and TripAdvisor have similarly become popular as they offer customers quick resolutions.

Address negative comments appropriately – Negative comments can be disheartening but addressing them in a professional, friendly manner will build a stronger customer relationship.

Measure your impact – Tracking and measuring the impact of changes to content, product and procedures will help to understand what works for a business’s target market.

Revdex is an online business directory that allows to report scam for a products and services.  Consumers can post a review for any business, even if there is not an existing profile. Businesses can create their own profiles and respond to reviews. 

Consumers can report internet scams or file complaint about health products

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